Taboo University FRESH NEWS!

Hey there, players!

We’ve got some awesome news to share about the progress on TU's 9th chapter! Things are moving at lightning speed, and out of the 18 planned scenes, 5 are completely done. That means the script, art, animations, music, and SFX are done and have been coded into the game. Some of the highlights of this chapter feature Ronja and Diana in bold escapades to garner MC's attention. Along with that, we have 4 entire scenes dedicated to the wonderful Josie and Lara in this update, finally exploring their growing intimacy and vulnerability as The Winner's Party approaches!

Plus, we're wrapping up another 4 scenes real soon. We just need to finish up the coding and sound work for them. We're super excited to see you all enjoy them! Keep an eye out, we might tease other scenes soon as well 😉

All in all, 9 out of the 18 planned scenes are practically ready to go. But that doesn't mean we still have half the work left. The scripts for all 18 scenes have been finished already, and the art is in the finalization stage. What remains is the music, SFX, and coding them all in, plus a dash of testing to make sure nothing explodes. 

So we're still chugging along on all cylinders, but we’re making huge strides toward completing it. Your patience will pay off soon, and we can’t wait to see you explore and enjoy the new content!

Thank you so much for your support and patience! Stay tuned for more updates.

With love,

The Taboo University Team

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